• +256 703 807141
  • info@tatcoug.org
  • Kireka, Uganda
Who we are


THE ANDTEX TRAINING AND CARE ORGANISATION (TATCO) Uganda was formed as a community group by KATO Andrew and NABBANJA Deziranta who were both residents of Njeru Town Council in Buikwe district. Andrew managed life and growth through well-wisher’s support from distant friends due to the prevailing poverty and unjust living conditions among the community families including their family where the father had also left since the age of 4 years at the time.

Support for life, growth, education, health, clothing, medical, etc came mainly from the well-wishers at the catholic church of Mbikko Parish where he used to treck about 5km from home with the mother to help in church work like cleaning, choir, mass serving, etc to be actively engaged and also get a chance to share their challenges with the people who they thought can help and this in turn brought a ray of hope where some well wishers at the church and the parish priest then, Rev. Fr. Wynand  started giving in support for life and Andrew’s education desire and interest was pushed forward.

KATO Andrew was able to continue with his education upto the University and reflecting on the unjust situation that prevailed during his early stage of growth, in his final University academic year being enrolled on a University Vocational profession, he decided to come back home after graduation to organise community members to start up a training and mindset center with programs and activities that will see his fellow community members he grew up with mainly the youths and women  trained in various vocational skills which he also obtained from the University making him able to lead in the training. He teamed up with Nabbanja Deziranta who at that time was mobilizing her fellow women to have something that they can do as a group to help themselves get out of the many challenges that they were facing.

In 2010 they formed a group and later in 2013 registered it with the district as a Community Based Organisation through which they can work and support their community legally and also create opportunities for further external support as an organization with programs which will directly help the youths, women and their children.

Some of the objectives of the organisations are:

  1. To provide VOCATIONAL SKILLS training to grouped youths and women
  2. Advocate for the rights and Start up Livelihood support projects to support Women and Young Mothers.
  3. To provide Early Child Development programmes to the infants
  4. Create and provide a conducive primary education learning environment that favours children to be in schools.
  5. Provide care and support to vulnerable and aged persons in any possible ways and in reach of the organization
  6. To provide human rights awareness and Advocacy services to vulnerable persons
  7. To positively change the mindset of people in the society.

In collaboration with Local government, peer organizations, individuals, companies, religious societies, political leaders, volunteers of like minds, International donors, etc. joined us and are stilled called upon to be part of our community transformation. Some of our so far achievements can be found under WHAT WE DO



Over the years, TATCO Uganda has continued to establish strong linkages with districts and local communities especially working with Local Government, NGOs and CBOs with the main objective of transforming the communities that we live in, creating a sense of responsibility and social accountability on the side of duty bearers and rights holders. As a result of the different interventions by TATCO Uganda i.e Youth skilling and empowerment, Children Education, Community Sensitization workshops, we have seen local communities demand for action from relevant authorities both at district and Sub county level. Networks have been born and, actions taken at the different levels, inspite of the challenges of lack of funds, information and ignorance of civic rights among the residents. At institutional level, TATCO Uganda continues to grow from strength to strength. I would like to sincerely appreciate members of TATCO Uganda and the communities that we operate in, allies at International, National and district level and any other persons or groups that have been with us and hope for your continued support. All the above steps taken could not have been possible without your support, collaboration, network, partnership and team spirit. Last, but not least, special thanks go to my mother Nabbanja Deziranta who has helped me so much in mobilizing the communities and encouraging me to never loss hope if it comes to community development.
“Skills Development and Care we reach”

Kato Andrew
Executive Director- TATCO Uganda

Our Team

TATCO-Uganda has a big team of professional people who are ready to deliver the organization’s programs to the community members and they have love and energy to deliver their services with just a small motivation facilities.

KATO Andrew

Executive Director


      Board Member



ECD Officer /Gen.Sec


      Programs Manager


    Records Officer



           HR Officer

MUZIRA Graceous

       Projects Manager


       Education Officer

LUBEGA Richard

     Finance Officer



Board Member


Help raise awareness about our mission, work and impact by sharing with your networks through social media, community engagement, or any other publications


Introduce us to potential partners, collaborators, donors and or volunteers to help us  build relationships. Invite us to your events, conferences and meetings with your partners to explore opportunities


Invest in our work. Support us with resources, funding and your in-kind contributions. Sponsor us for  fundraising events and Crowdfunding Opportunities.

Our Partners and Sponsors

Star Primary School- Nyanja

St. Ameria Vocational School

Sunrise Nur & Pri School- Nabiyagi

Mbikko Brass Band & Music center

Creamland Education support Service

Malangha Youth Soccer Project LTD