• +256 703 807141
  • info@tatcoug.org
  • Kireka, Uganda

Climate and environment change has been the greatest danger on Earth mankind is facing unknowingly. It should and must be the concern for each and every body since we are all inhabitants on the same planet.
Climate change has threatened to the large extent the biodiversity, food insecurity and hence the lives of people. It is observed that in many years to come the Earth will not be able to support life. It’s possible to reverse all this because its cause is simply Man’s influence on Earth, i.e Its man against life on the Earth. It may not be man as such but the mindset of man since is a rational animal.

Therefore as THE ANDTEX TRAINING AND CARE ORGANISATION (TATCO Uganda) is highly concerned on creating a positive mindset on environment conservation and climate change issues in the society. We do this in the following ways;

  1. Organize community awareness workshops on environment conservation and climate changes. This is done in schools when parents are called for school meetings, meeting with focus set groups, with local leaders, etc. A professional environmentalist is given platform to talk and teach the parents (community) about the dangers of environment degradation and how to conserve it.
  2. Training teachers to Integrate environment and climate topics in class while learning is taking place to children so that they get informed and grow when they are well versed with the causes, dangers of environment degradation and climate change and how to conserve and take care of the ecosystem and also encourage them to practice it at home and also teach their parents back home to do so.
  3. We plant and also encourage the community members to plant more trees starting from our schools and in other areas where the community allows us to do so. This increases on the ecosystem and help to manage the climate change
  4. We collaborate with the local leaders to organize community gathering to educate people on the changes of increasing carbon emissions in the environment, disposal of wastes in water sources and creating settlements in wetlands. The local authority is always advised and requested to use the powers given to stop the vise by not allowing settlers in wetlands and create safer and gazette waste disposal areas.
  5. We design, print and distribute publications with information about environmental conservation and climate change mitigation measures to the community members which in a long run results to community awareness of their environment and care.
  6. We try to create alternative source of income for the vulnerable community members as a way of preventing them from carrying out activities forexample sand mining, stone quarrying, burning of charcoal, making of bricks, etc which all degrades and destroys the ecosystem. By providing vocational skills training and starting up livelihood support projects to the youths and women which are friendly to the environment, we hope to change the vise.

Our partners and Sponsors

Star Primary School- Nyanja

KTL Events and Promotions

Sunrise Nur & Pri School- Nyanja

7 Chef Catering Group

Creamland Education support Service

Abangi Women Group - Njeru