Climate and environment change has been the greatest danger on Earth mankind is facing unknowingly. It should and must be the concern for each and every body since we are all inhabitants on the same planet.
Climate change has threatened to the large extent the biodiversity, food insecurity and hence the lives of people. It is observed that in many years to come the Earth will not be able to support life. It’s possible to reverse all this because its cause is simply Man’s influence on Earth, i.e Its man against life on the Earth. It may not be man as such but the mindset of man since is a rational animal.
Therefore as THE ANDTEX TRAINING AND CARE ORGANISATION (TATCO Uganda) is highly concerned on creating a positive mindset on environment conservation and climate change issues in the society. We do this in the following ways;
Star Primary School- Nyanja
KTL Events and Promotions
Sunrise Nur & Pri School- Nyanja
7 Chef Catering Group
Creamland Education support Service
Abangi Women Group - Njeru