• +256 703 807141
  • info@tatcoug.org
  • Kireka, Uganda
Provision of Scholastic materials to Learners and Teaching aid materials to Teachers

Provision of Scholastic materials to Learners and Teaching aid materials to Teachers

We once again thank God that we managed to provided some of the needed scholastic materials to learners in our community schools as they started the new term in the new Academic year 2023 in February which included Books, Pens, Pencils, Crayons, Uniforms, Rubbers and on addition also teaching aid materials which included Text Books, Manilas, Markers, Board Rulers, Registration books, Teaching Guides and many others to the teaching staff.



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We are sure that with the provision of some of the needed scholastic materials and teaching aid materials to the schools will help the learners stay in schools and learn as desired. Thank you to the TATCO Uganda team and all partners for the financial support that enabled us procure and distribute these items that were give to some of the learners but not all as they were not enough.

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